Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Xenofeminism: 'If Nature is Unjust, Change Nature!'

Special thanks to the collective of 6, Laboria Cuboniks, and norb, writer for, for publishing my personal reading of their queer-feminist movement,Xenofeminism.

What is particularly unique and intriguing about this movement for me is its creative re-inventions of Marxian concepts, carrying a strong emphasis on the relationship of alienation to emancipation, with an intersectional queer-feminism that is both (trans)humanistic and techno-socialist in its integrated, theoretical approach and praxis with respect to connecting a futurist post-gender society without female oppression to a counter-hegemonic global society of universal liberation. It rigorously maintains its logic of the necessity of feminist resistance within the broader framework of a socialist political configuration still concerned with work-based politics, and the conversion of the knowledge sector's cybernetic technologies of capitalism's metabolic self-valorization and market discipline as a weapon womyn and the global working class can use as instruments of self-emancipation.

In short, it provides a new universe of possibilities for the realization of a contemporary model of species-being, of our real, human faculties and nature, by resisting all the old essentialisms and absolutes for perpetuating heteropatriarchy and capitalism, and situating itself within the logic of capitalism's competitive mechanism, where technological innovations are introduced into labor-saving productive methods on the market, in order to expropriate its mass of objectified digital, machinic, and intellectual labor, and collectivize this assemblage in the foremost interest of those most marginalized by its exploitation of surplus labor, where their identities are constituted and developed through practical, feminist and socialist-based struggle.

My article introduces two concepts - the psychotextual and the textualsomatic - I hope to bring to bear on their analysis. It is a modest contribution, and I would recommend doing a thorough reading of the provided links before checking out my article on postfuturum, which you can viewhere.

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